Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Socks and Water

I have been following the directions for my sock knitting very carefully. It was amazing when I realized I had a HEEL!!!! I really just don't know how that happened!

Here's a close up of the heel.

Then all of a sudden I had done the gussett decreases...

Next think you know, I had to try it on to see
if it was acting like a sock! It DID!!!! I had to be careful of those knitting needles when I was getting my foot into and out of the sock This is just so exciting for me. Now on the foot and the toe!

Yesterday I noticed that the koi pond waterfall was nothing but a trickle. I tried changing pumps, but still only got a trickle. I took the hose off from the pump to the TetraPond bio filter, it was not blocked. Then I stuck my finger up the intake spout of the TetraPond bio filter. I found a small rock blocking the intake valve. That is one strong pump to get that rock sucked up and traveled uphill about 10 feet. All was well! Then when I got up this morning, this is what I found!

I went into panic mode, thinking I had a predator that damaged something. Ha Ha, silly me.... I didn't get the overflow tube back where it belonged and I was draining the pond all night long. Oh well, I needed to do a water change anyway. LOL


dneg said...

I'm expecting to see a pair in my stocking at Christmas :)

Debra Dixon said...

Nice work on the socks!

Kolleen said...

Hi from another e. Oregon girl! Love your sock. Taking a class @ sock summit this weekend. Been knitting sox a little over a year and still find it completely magical to turn a heel!